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Megvii support Gangfeng Lithium smart warehouse officially run

2021 - Dec - 31

On December 30, the inauguration ceremony of Ganfeng's 10,000-ton lithium salt factory smart warehouse was held in Xinyu, Jiangxi. Ganfeng lithium industry chairman Li Liangbin, Megvii co-founder and CTO Tang Wenbin and other leaders attended the event and inaugurated the smart warehouse.


"The completion of this smart warehouse is a small step for Ganfeng to achieve comprehensive intelligent manufacturing", Li Liangbin pointed out: "In the future, we want to further implement intelligent manufacturing technology in Chongqing, Xinyu, Fengcheng and other places, which it also includes Argentina, Mexico and other countries, to realize the lithium industry would achieve the mission of Dark Factory as soon as possible.

A smart warehouse consists of rack, AI stacker cranes, AMR, RGV, automatic depalletization and other equipment; relying on the smart operating system, can automatically and quickly complete the vibration, weighing, sealing, palletizing and other links, saving workforce and improving efficiency.


The warehouse has five levels and contains 9,400 storage spaces, significantly improving the space utilization rate. The storage capacity is more than three times that of traditional flat goods storage, dramatically reducing the storage cost. Each piece of goods is set up with a unique code to be saved in the system to achieve supply chain traceability.

Process Breakdown
Automated warehousing


Automatic lifting to stereo storage position

Automatic outbound storage


The AMR transfer trolleys and other carriers in the warehouse are all-electric, and the power system is selected from Ganfeng Lithium's self-researched & produced lithium iron phosphate batteries, which are more environmentally sustainable.


One of Ganfeng's core strategies is to automate and improve intelligence. Effective automation technology can significantly improve work efficiency and accelerate the digitalization process of enterprises while reducing costs and relieving operational pressure. The new energy industry is one of the critical areas that the Megvii logistics business focuses. In the future, Megvii hopes to help more enterprises layout automation, digitalization and intelligent upgrade with the successful experience of more and more projects and practically help customers realize cost reduction and efficiency increase through advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, Internet of Things and robotics.

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